Archive | January, 2015

How to help get Claire to Kindy

12 Jan

Claire Matilda

People are contacting us asking how to help, and we are very grateful!

The short answer:

  1. Share, share, share our posts and links on Social Media (and ask your friends to do the same). This truly has a genuine impact on any campaign. We have already been contacted by the Kindy Counts office regarding our posts to their wall and the interest and discussion that was being generated :). Thanks!!
  2. Write an email or a letter. We need to draw attention to the bigger issue, beyond just getting Claire to kindy. Kindy Counts for ALL Queensland children, and we want to remove this obstacle from the path of families who follow a similar journey in the future. ASAP! There are tips on what to include below.
  3. Make a financial contribution to the Everyday Hero ‘Help Get Claire to Kindy’ Campaign (Supported by Variety, the Children’s Charity). We are almost…

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